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Special Excel Event 2024

Catherine's Travel Diary      Look>>

Follow Catherine's journey as she travels around Sofia, Bulgaria, checking out the significant historical and cultural sites, and sharing her experiences!

Bulgaria Excel Days 2024


Sheetcast proudly announces their lead sponsorship for Bulgaria Excel Days 2024, demonstrating their dedication to the Excel Community. Join experts Ken Puls, Gašper Kamenšek, Alan Murray, and others for three days of Excel insights, presentations, and masterclasses. Don't miss Alex Martin of Sheetcast, premiering advanced new functions and workflows. Bulgaria Excel Days 2024 runs April 23-25 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Excel Heroes: Gašper Kamenšek

Excel Heroes: Gašper Kamenšek

Discover Gašper Kamenšek's journey from college student to Excel MVP. His passion for Excel ignited during Microsoft Office classes, leading to a career shift and a thriving community involvement. Explore his experiences, insights, and adventures, from overcoming toxic work environments to becoming a sought-after speaker. Dive into his love affair with Excel and the ever-evolving landscape of data analysis.

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Excel Heroes: Alan Murray

Excel Heroes: Alan Murray

Embark on the remarkable odyssey of Alan Murray, in his journey from computer mentor to MVP. Starting with teaching computer basics, Alan's evolution into an Office 365 specialist led to him focusing on Excel and Power BI. Alan discovered his passion for Excel and is now leading the popular London Meetup, fostering a global community of Excel enthusiasts.

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Excel Heroes: Ken Puls

Excel Heroes: Ken Puls

Follow the captivating journey of Ken Puls—from a novice to a renowned expert! Discover how this Excel hero transformed from an accounting supervisor to a global Excel trainer, sharing his passion for automation and unlocking Excel's full potential.

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Excel Heroes: Chandeep Chhabra

Excel Heroes: Chandeep Chhabra

Meet Chandeep Chhabra! When the Mumbai investment bank where he worked suddenly couldn’t make payroll anymore, Chandeep decided to turn his “Excel expert” side hustle into a full-time career. Despite having little experience and zero Excel credentials, he cold-called his way into a job interview at a major financial services company—and the rest is history.

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