Why free?
Our gift to the Excel community, the focus of our company's products.

  • Removes annoyance of scrolling Excel's worksheet tabs left or right.
  • Especially good for workbooks with many sheets.
  • Also lets you have longer sheet titles.

  • Adds Excel's missing "paste only borders" option
  • Clearly choose to paste any combination of only borders, format, font, colors, or cell size.
  • Allows paste without shifting cell references (as if every cell ref had $ symbols, without changing the formula).
  • Skipping zeros or keeping gaps (when you copy specific cells from different rows, paste back to same rows instead of squished together)

  • Search for numbers and match even if there are thousands separators or other number formats.
  • Easily search for any cell within a range like 100-200, >100, or "around 100"
  • Even use a formula to find values (so you can search for odd numbers, values from a list, or anything you want)

  • Turn 15min of hunting through formulas into seconds. Saves hours of pain.
  • See how formula parts combine to get a final answer, with 1 click.
  • See what each cell reference is about, without jumping around.
  • Drilldown several levels deep, without losing your original spot.